St Ann’s are here to help you through this difficult time in life. Arranging a funeral can feel a daunting prospect, so we are here to offer our support and guidance before, during and after the service.
We recognise that grief is a journey and not just an event. St Ann's want to walk alongside you in your journey. We will be praying for you and your family in the time immediately after the funeral and would like to invite you to our Memorial Services. Please ask for a data consent form so we can stay in touch with you.
For further information on a Church of England funeral service, below are some links taking you to the Church of England website, to tell you more.
Funeral service explained
Light a candle for a loved one
Organising a funeral
If you would like to arrange a funeral at St Ann’s, please speak to the vicar Revd Alan Conant on 0151 426 4666 or the Church Administrator on 07579849948